Photos by Benny Evers and Jackie Calderwood
Over the summer a group of 7 young volunteers worked with multi-media artist Jackie Calderwood and English Heritage staff to produce an event for Heritage Open Days at Pendennis Castle in Falmouth, Cornwall, UK.
They designed and ran outreach photography sessions at various youth groups and public spaces and events in August to create their portraits with a difference. Armed with a huge suitcase full of castle inspired objects and a bola hat of questions they asked local people questions about their perceptions of castles and Cornish heritage and helped them frame their very own creative portraits.
On Sunday 13th September over 100 Pendennis Portraits will be hidden on site… it's free entry as part of Heritage Open Days, 10am - 5pm. And there's even a free minibus every 30 mins (approx.), picking up from Wetherspoons Pub on the Moor & outside Falmouth Hotel on the roundabout by Docks Station.
Keep your eyes open and search the site to see other people’s perceptions of Pendennis, make your own heritage connections and discover your own hideaways.
Visit The Keep at the following times to become a part of the exhibition and make your own Pendennis Portrait to be projected!
Drop-in sessions:
11 – 11.30; 12 – 12.30
1 – 1.30; 2 – 2.30; 3 – 3.30
Photographer credits:
Owen Eley
Benny Evers
Jackie Calderwood