Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Exhibition Trail and Event at Pendennis

Over 970 people came to Pendennis on Heritage Open Day, Sunday 13th September 2009.
You can follow the exhibition trail here on the blog, and see around 60 new Creative portraits made by visitors in the Keep during the day.

The trail guide shows themed areas of portraits. [Click on the image to open it in a larger window.]
Each area has a separate 'post' below, with 'thumbnails' showing the portraits by theme.

Start at the Entrance with the 'Tour Guides' and then progress anti-clockwise from 'A Message In Time' around the castle site, ending up at the 1901 Barrack Block with 'Pendennis Perceptions'.
Then have a look at the new portraits made in the Keep, and take a photographic journey following the trail around the Pendennis Castle site.