Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Postcards - Design Ideas?

We can have upto 8 postcard designs - full colour front, black back.

They could be just one photo on the front, or maybe a collage of several photos, a hand drawn picture/comic strip,text over a picture - or anything else you think would work!

So please add a comment to suggest photos from the flickr group (from Monday at the Castle) that you think would work - or let us know if you're working on a design, or any ideas. You can post images here or to the flickr account - or send to Jackie by email. Jackie & Bec will be meeting on Tuesday 4th August to finalise the designs & send to printer - so it's a very quick turn around!
The aim of the postcards is:
  1. to give out at outreach portrait-making sessions during the summer, as an invite to the Heritage Open Day at the castle where people can see their portrait and explore the trail of portraits around the site - or bring friends to have portraits taken during the open day. Also to give them the blog address as a way to follow the project, and take part.

  2. to have a second print run after the outreach sessions (same front, different back info) that promotes the open day, times of shuttle bus, activity at the event, and blog/flickr to send in your own portrait if you havent already made one!

Here's a couple of examples from other projects. The print company we will probably use is (tech specs: min. 300dpi, 3mm bleed CMYK, text rasterised, format: pdf /tiff with layers) - if that doesnt mean anything to you, don't worry, just keep the quality/file size as high as possible and we'll sort it out afterwards!

[Postcards by young people from Warminster Youth Centre on Evolving Landscapes]

[Postcards from Jackie's recent project in St James's Park]

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Welcome to the Pendennis Portraits Blog...

This is the place to find out and share ideas, pictures and plans for Pendennis Portraits!

We want to fill Pendennis Castle with portraits of local young people (and maybe a few very young/older ones too!) for the Heritage Open Day on Sunday 13th September.
On that day it's free to go into the Castle, so local young people can come up and see their photo displayed as part of an exciting trail of images and stories around the Castle and its grounds.

Over the summer there will be lots of opportunities for people to make unusual Pendennis Portraits in and around Falmouth.

We'll put dates of Portrait events up as they're arranged...
To get things going here are some photos from yesterday's planning sessions with volunteers from V Cornwall, trying out the 'recipe' for Pendennis Portraits.